Sachavacayoc lodge has the best location of the Tambopata River, bordering the Tambopata National Reserve, its easy to access to two oxbow lakes (oxbow lakes are the best areas to see wildlife in the amazon) Condenado lake is close to the lodge and Sachavacayoc is deep in the jungle, with night walks looking for tapir and other interesting and spooky creatures! Macaws roosting and nesting, and howler monkeys howling in the evening, Cayman spotting at night in the river and in the lake, at Sachavacayoc lake you get to see wildlife like no other place along the tambopata river; monkeys, black Caymans, high options for Jaguars along the river, different species of birds like toucans, romantic and relax excursions around the lake. The most spectacular clay-lick of the world, definitely the best combination to enjoy the jungle with active excursions, this location combined with the must-do lake of southern Peruvian jungle, Sandoval Lake, at Sandoval lake it’s the best place in Peru to see giant otters and black Caymans, also outstanding landscape and sunset.
No other trip combines all the very best of the Tambopata National Reserve into just one trip, well connected and with the highest operational support, with accommodation above the average.